Wednesday, March 5, 2014

MetaDiver - Generating File Hash Lists

In MetaDiver (1.1.1) you have more control over what it does.

Today's post is an example showing how you can easily generate a File Hash List.

File Hash List Example

For this example you select a source like you normally would. Then you go to the menu bar and select Options and then Processing Templates and select "File Hash List". What this does it set the check box options for you. You can do this on your own as well!

This what you see before as you select the template.

After you set the template you see the check boxes have changed! I used red arrows to show the options changed.

  • Shell and 3rd party libs are turned off.
  • Hashing is turned on. The template sets both MD5 and SHA1 hashing on by default.
  • Current output is ItemPath, FileName, FilePath, Extension, MD5,SHA1. I can easily add file mac times in the next version if someone needs it.
  • Output can be changed or altered if you like, just post your comments to the MetaDiver forum.
As you can see it's easy to generate a File Hash List in MetaDiver!


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