Thursday, December 12, 2013

New MetaDiver beta is out!

  Well there has been a lot happening on the project and otherwise the past few weeks and I'm really excited that the new beta has been released!

Beta v1.0.8 - Release notes

  This release has a lot of improvements. A few are: processing time, PDF's metadata is extracted, error handling is better, and the column's order a bit better so it doesn't look like like a complete mess.

  The code is in place to handle PDF's (you read that right). It's still needs some more testing with it improving each day but so far it seems pretty solid!

Go get it

Requirements: You'll need at least the .Net Framework 4.0 and Windows 7 or later to run it.

You can grab the latest version at



  I have started working on a website to house my various projects. You can check it out at It's just a simple site right now for something fancier later.

  On some system's Excel claims the xlsx output is corrupt but the data seems fine. If you have problems just use a different output. There are minor UI tweaks, an About screen and a lot of plumbing you don't see.

  Still no install package. Microsoft did away with the simple Setup projects after VS2010 and went to Wix Toolset which I am having to learn. It looks powerful but more work (aka, distraction) than I had planned on. If you are interested in learning more I am planning on putting together a post on Wix once I have a handle on it.


*Please send or post Feedback if you find this tool useful, have issues running it or feature requests! Post your feedback to twitter #MetaDiver.

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