I decided I needed to put out a simple command line program for dumping metadata. It’s been sitting on my todo list for too long. I’ve been using Tika for a long time now and it’s amazing how many file format’s it supports. The file formats it supports keeps grows with every new release. This is bare bones compared to MetaDiver and is strictly TIKA based.
TIKA supported formats: http://ift.tt/2imwF1I
There are so many supported format’s I can’t list them all.
I know we already have a lot of programs out there to for parsing metadata from files but most are commercial. Phil Harvey’s Exiftool is a free program that does an amazing job at metadata but you should always have another option. More importantly, each tool has limits to formats. Tika supports constuming exiftool as of 1.9 to supplement metadata using the Java version! Pretty amazing.
I decided to keep it simple with the 1.0 release. You’ll get the key value pairs from the file metadata and you can also dump the text from the file to the console.
Sample output:
T:\MD_DumpCLI>MD_DumpCLI.exe -f "T:\Test_data\exif\IMG_0581.JPG" Author: David Dym License: Apache 2.0 http://ift.tt/1r8ST99 Filename: N:\Test_data\exif\IMG_0581.JPG Aperture Value: f/2.8 Brightness Value: 5067/1265 Color Space: sRGB Component 1: Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 2 horiz/2 vert Component 2: Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert Component 3: Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert Components Configuration: YCbCr Compression: JPEG (old-style) Compression Type: Baseline Content-Type: image/jpeg Creation-Date: 2011-10-23T13:55:09 .... (cutoff the other 200+ fields)
Github Page: http://ift.tt/2imFVTo
by Dave via EasyMetaData